Antique Coral Adornment
Precious Coral is one of a very few organic gemstones. For scientific specifics, it consists of a mass of skeletons of tiny marine invertebrates that once lived in a colony attached to rocks or other objects on the ocean floor. It varies in color from a blood red to a very pale pink. It occurs in tropical and subtropical oceans, usually at a depth of less that 50 feet, although there are some exceptions. At Lannah Dunn Fine Jewellery, precious coral set into rare antique jewellery is always highly sought after. In pristine condition, the stone is a very limited resource and will only become rarer, if not unavailable with time.
Based in Queensland we are only too aware of the state of our precious Great Barrier Reef and the need to protect our coral reef. It is with this in mind, along with the ever increasing need to preserve precious jewels of the past, we seek beauty in jewellery from the 18th and 19th centuries featuring this rare, colourful and wonderful stone.
Since ancient times, the population surrounding the Mediterranean has used coral decoratively, medicinally and spiritually. Back when coral was in greater supply, the Romans hung pieces of coral around the necks of their children to protect them from illness and danger; women wore as a charm against sterility and Victorian babies from wealthy families gnawed on coral teething rings.
The ancient Chinese viewed coral as a symbol of longevity and official promotion. The ancient Greeks believed coral had the power to counteract witchcraft and protect against storms, poisons and robbery.
The rare, antique coral jewellery found at Lannah Dunn Fine Jewellery is all natural coral of mostly Mediterranean origin. With most of the richer deep orange colour, angelskin colour coral is also a frequent visitor to the Lannah Dunn displays. Predominantly of English origin from the Georgian to Victorian eras, it is likely to have adorned the wealthy English as a welcome and colourful addition to their attire. Each piece is the only one in the world and well and truly over 100 if not 150 years' old. These pieces are so rare and special, it is important for us to not only preserve and offer in impeccable condition to our customers, but for the new owners to also ensure care and consideration be taken to ensure they are preserved for future generations who may not ever see coral in it's true, glorious form.
Coral is light, heat and moisture sensitive. The best way to clean, if indeed necessary, is to carefully wipe with a soft, dry cloth. It is not safe to clean your Coral treasures with an ultrasonic, warm soapy water, or any liquid for that matter, nor steam clean.
Available for viewing in store and online, please contact our LD team with any enquiries and head to the @lannahdunnfinejewellery Instagram to see more styling and rare objets d'art.
Penned & styled by Eala, Bachelors of Business & Commerce (UQ).